Tuesday, 17 January 2017

DIY : Recycle old wine bottle

 Step 1 : Take an empty old wine bottle and remove the labels.

 Step 2 : After removing the labels you will get the bottle in image as shown below.

For cleaning the sticky part I used a nail paint remover. As the the sticky part of the label comes of easily with the remover.

Step 3 : Apply glue to bottle in proper sections and then sprinkle some glitter on the bottle

Continue the same for the entire bottle.
Let it dry for sometime. Fill in gaps if left in between any.
And your bottle will look like this now.

You can further decorate the bottle with washi tape to make it look more beautiful.
I have decorated with a silver coloured washi tape at the opening of the bottle and at the end.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Tuesday, 10 January 2017